A new platform for mom and pop
stores - and customers who care
Los Angeles, CA, 90028
Be an early member of the Haystack community, and help fuel a movement for small businesses and shoppers like you.
Get your FREE store page set up to drive traffic and grow with Haystack. We’re with you!
We’re on a mission to use crowd-sourced data to promote local stores and build a kinder, smarter shopping revolution.
Haystack helps you find the products you need, right in your neighborhood. How? By making local store inventory searchable alongside the chains.
*Coming Soon* - Tell the world why you love your local stores, stay up to date on sales, and let your stores know what you’d buy there if you could.
Discover a wide range of products available at local stores near you. Browse through popular categories or search for specific items to find exactly what you need.
6-Foot Extension Cords
White Garbage Bags
Antibacterial Wipes
Air Compressor Couplers
Nylon Rope
Almond Joy Candy Bar
Colored Chalk
Sparkling Wine
Color Flame Birthday Candles
DHEA Nutritional Supplements
Key Hiders
15-Foot Extension Cords
Pressure Cooker Sealing Rings
Coconut Milk Yogurt
Puzzle Books
Stamping Pad
Jojoba Oil
Powdered Sugar
Himalayan Pink Salt
Wooden Wall Shelves
Digital Calipers
Women's Tunics
Balsamic Vinegar
Jig Saw Blades
Corn Brooms
Fly Fishing Kits
Kitchen Sink Faucets
Label Maker Refills
Vindaloo Curry Sauce
Find answers to common questions about our service and how to use our website.
What is Haystack?
Haystack is a mission-driven startup with a powerful model for promoting local stores and fueling a kinder, smarter shopping revolution. We believe in a future where supporting your local stores and neighborhood is also the fastest and easiest way to shop. Our vision is to put the inventories of local stores at your fingertips and create a platform that's as easy to use as Amazon - but the products you need are available right away, and right in your neighborhood. For shoppers, it helps you find the products you need when and where you need them. For stores, it helps you get your inventory online and get new customers in the door.
How does Haystack work?
Haystack uses data intelligence to establish an unprecedented understanding of local store inventories, allowing us to include the inventory from ALL STORES across the country. How? Through a combination of available data, information from passionate shoppers and partnerships with stores. With each little piece of feedback, our “inventory picture” improves exponentially, and we get closer and closer to the promised land where supporting your local stores and neighborhood is also the fastest and easiest way to shop.
What do the probabilities (“very likely,” “likely,” etc.) mean?
A lot of local stores that might have exactly what you need don’t have the sophisticated inventory systems necessary to get their inventory online. Haystack puts these stores on as level a playing field with chains as possible, and makes it simple for you to find the cake pan, cereal brand or drill bit you’re looking for. When you see probabilities and likelihoods of products being in-stock at different stores, that’s based on heaps of data from users and stores. It’s not only what a piece of information tells us about a specific store (e.g., they have Elmer’s Glue at your local hardware store), but also what that means for similar stores in your area and across the country. Every bit of information we gather makes these probabilities more and more certain.
How do I get more involved as a user?
We would love to hear from you (hello@haystack.co) if you’re eager to get more involved! If you’re the type of person who loves supporting your local stores or who hates what the Amazon-ification of shopping is doing to our neighborhoods, you’re in the right place! We want to ask you questions and have you help shape and test the features that make Haystack fun and make helping stores a breeze. Coming soon is our community hub where you can help out simply by taking photos of store shelves, inviting friends, or helping to get missing stores on the map!
How can I get more involved as a store?
We’re extremely eager to hear from stores and make sure we help out in every way possible. Sign up and reach out (stores@haystack.co) and you can be an early member of a profound movement, and help shape your and our future.
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Haystack is an early-stage startup leveraging crowd-sourced data to promote local stores and fuel a kinder, smarter shopping revolution.
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